Paula Margaretic
Ph.D. Finance
About ME
PhD in Finance from the University of Toulouse, I am currently working at the University of Chile, as a researcher and assistant professor of finance.
Previously, I worked at the University Adolfo Ibañez (Chile), San Andrés University in Argentina, Central Bank of Chile, Airbus France, Banco Santander in Argentina and Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) in Argentina, among others.
I was a visitor at the Central Banks of Argentina and Hungary.
International Finance
Financial Econometrics
“Informational Economic Transmission between Countries: Learning, Common Factors, and Category Thinking”, with A. Bernales and H. Karnani. Revise & Resubmit Review of Economic Dynamics. December 2024.
“International Spillover Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty”, with A. Bernales, D. Cumming and R. Muñoz. Reject and Resubmit Journal of International Business Studies. December 2024.
“Dominant currency invoicing and exchange rate pass-through in real estate?”, with J. Liwski and R. Wagner. Awarded Fondecyt Regular.
“Disentangling the impact of the COVID-19 precautionary measures on business activity and recovery in Latin America”, with S. Mingo and A. Sotelo. Under Review. June 2024.
“Navigating trade uncertainty: The role of trade financing and the spillover effects”, with M. Calani and D. Moreno. Journal of International Economics 153, 2025. Link
“Generalizing impact computations for the autoregressive spatial interaction model”, with T. Laurent and C. Thomas-Agnan. Geographical Analysis 55(4), 2023. Link
“The impact of financial literacy on the quality of self-reported financial information”, with C. Madeira. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 34, 2022. Link
“Neighboring countries and bilateral remittances: A global study”, with T. Laurent and C. Thomas-Agnan. Spatial Economics Analysis 17(4), 2022. Link
“Assessing the quality of self-reported financial information”, with C. Madeira, F. Martinez and P. Roje. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, March 2022. Link
“Banks' interconnections and peer effects: Evidence from Chile”, with R. Cifuentes and G. Carreño. Research in International Business and Finance 58, 2021. Link
“Measuring households' financial vulnerabilities from consumer debt: Evidence from Chile”, with R. Cifuentes and T. Saavedra. Emerging Markets Review 43, 2020. Link
“Sovereign Bond Spreads and Extra-Financial Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Markets”, with S. Pouget. International Review of Economics & Finance 58, 2018. Link
“Spatial dependence in (origin-destination) air passenger flows”, with C. Thomas-Agnan and R. Doucet. Papers in Regional Science 96, 2015. Link
“Correlated Bank Runs, Interbank Markets and Reserve Requirements”, with C. Cañon. Journal of Banking & Finance 49, 2014. Link
Principal investigator in international grant: Belmont Forum / Future Earth Integrated Approaches to Human Mobility. 2023
Co-researcher in 2023 Fondecyt grant with Rodrigo Wagner. Project title: “How does the housing market react to the exchange rate fluctuations when real estate is invoiced in dollars?”
Co-researcher in 2023 Fondecyt grant with Alejandro Bernales. Project title: “Understanding Information Effects on Market Activity, and Market Activity Effects on Information”
Winner of Regional Studies Association MeRSA Grant. 2023
Books and chapters
“Predictions in Spatial Econometric Models: Application to Unemployment Data”, with Thibault Laurent. Chapter 21 of the book Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics, edited by Abdelaati Daouia, and Anne Ruiz-Gazen, p. 409–426, 2021.
“Plan de Energía sustentable” (Sustainable Energy Plan), with L. Lobaiza, S. Scheimberg, and V. Vallés. 1º Edition, UADE Edition, 296 p., UADE, Buenos Aires, 2009.
“Estimation of productive efficiency based on non-parametric techniques”, with C. Romero. Chapter 5 of the book “Regulatory economics and quantitative methods: Evidence from Latin America” (The CRC Series on Competition, Regulation and Development) edited by Omar Chisary, 2006. Link
“The effectiveness of competition policy in Argentina, Chile and Peru during the 90’s”, with M.F. Martinez and D. Petrecolla. Chapter 9 of the book “Regulatory economics and quantitative methods: Evidence from Latin America” (The CRC Series on Competition, Regulation and Development) edited by Omar Chisary, 2006.
“Análisis sobre Ley de Alquileres”, with F. Sturzenegger and P. Zarate, 2021.
University of Toulouse I
2007 - 2012
PhD in Business Administration - Track Finance
Toulouse School of Economics
2006 - 2007
Master in Financial Markets and Intermediaries (Quantitative Master)
University Torcuato Di Tella
2002 - 2003
Master in Economics
University of Buenos Aires
1997 - 2001
Degree in Economics - "Licienciada"
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